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A venue is a location that is available for booking or reservation. There is support for sub-venues under the main venue so you are able to split your venues into smaller sections to open for booking.

Venue Schema#

idObjectIdAlphaNueric ID given by mongodbtrueGiven
nameStringName of the venuetrueNone
capacityIntegerCapacity of the venuefalseNone
openingHoursStringOpening hours for show. This opening hours has no relation to the booking slots availablefalseNone
descriptionStringDescription of the venuefalseNone
visibleBooleanVenue is visible to the public if the parameter is set to truefalsetrue
imageStringLink to the image of the venue. (No support for image uploads yet)falseNone
isChildVenueBooleanVenue is a child venue of a larger parent venue if parameter set to truefalsefalse
parentVenueObjectIdAlphaNumeric Object ID of the parent venuefalseNone
childVenues[ObjectId]List AlphaNumeric Object IDs of the child venue of the parent. (only populated if isChildVenue is set to false)false[]

User API Resources#

Get All Venues (visible)#

This returns all venues that are set to visible. You can filter the visible venues using some available query parameters. By default, the API only returns all venues regardless of status


Method - GET

Route - /api/v1/venue/search

Example Request - localhost:8080/api/v1/venue/search?parentVenue=6100d84eb4051df2f0baef1f

Query Parameters

parentVenueObjectIdEnter a the id of the parent venue and the request will return the child venue of this parent
isChildVenueBooleanThis query paremeter is mainly to return only parent venues (when set to false)
_idObjectIdInput the venue id to get specific venue information


Description - Returns a list of venues under the venues key

Code - 200 OK

Example Response

{  "venues": [    {      "id": "6106db0948fdff1f8d065588",      "name": "Basketball Court A",      "capacity": 2,      "description": "Half nearer to the tennis court",      "childVenues": [],      "visible": true,      "openingHours": "7am - 11pm"    }  ]}

Admin API Resources#

All APIs used here has to have the authorization key set in your env file. Set the http request header with a authorization key. There will be an update to this soon.

Get All Venues#

This returns all venues regardless of visiblity. You can filter the venues using some available query parameters.


Method - GET

Route - /api/v1/venue/admin/search

Example Request - localhost:8080/api/v1/venue/admin/search?isChildVenue=false

Query Parameters

parentVenueObjectIdEnter a the id of the parent venue and the request will return the child venue of this parent
isChildVenueBooleanThis query paremeter is mainly to return only parent venues (when set to false)
_idObjectIdInput the venue id to get specific venue information


Description - Returns a list of venues under the venues key

Code - 200 OK

Example Response

{  "venues": [    {      "id": "6100d84eb4051df2f0baef1f",      "name": "Comms Hall",      "capacity": 4,      "image": "/img/band-room.jpeg",      "description": "Just a place in KE will low ceilings.",      "visible": true,      "openingHours": "8am-11pm"    },    {      "id": "61022836ef227f554ee007d1",      "name": "Tennis Court",      "capacity": 2,      "image": "/img/tennis-court.jpeg",      "description": "just a place to play tennis",      "visible": true,      "openingHours": "7am - 11pm"    },    {      "id": "6102f712f8fa896f2f44f1e2",      "name": "Band Room",      "capacity": 1,      "image": "/img/band-room.jpeg",      "description": "Not testing anymoreeee",      "visible": true,      "openingHours": "TEST"    },    {      "id": "6106da7e48fdff1f8d065587",      "name": "BasketBall Court",      "capacity": 10,      "image": "/img/MPC.jpeg",      "description": "Lights off whenever OHS wants. I have no control",      "visible": true,      "openingHours": "7am - 11pm"    }  ]}

Update Venue Visibility#

Update the visibility of the venue. This API toggles between true and false


Method - PUT

Route - /api/v1/venue/visibility/:venueId

Example Request - localhost:8080/api/v1/venue/visibility/6100d84eb4051df2f0baef1f


venueIdObjectIdID of the venue to be toggled


Description - Returns info of the venue being toggled

Code - 202 ACCEPTED

Example Response

{  "venue": {    "priorityEmails": [],    "visible": true,    "isChildVenue": false,    "childVenues": [      "6102602857bab95b394ae1ee",      "61057f55199c320b953b16bb",      "61066c18d5c2491eca67d0a2"    ],    "_id": "6100d84eb4051df2f0baef1f",    "name": "Comms Hall",    "capacity": 4,    "openingHours": "8am-11pm",    "description": "Just a place in KE will low ceilings.",    "__v": 3,    "createdAt": "2021-07-29T08:00:40.030Z",    "updatedAt": "2021-08-10T07:57:16.648Z",    "image": "/img/band-room.jpeg"  }}

Create Venue#

Create a new venue available for booking


Method - POST

Route - /api/v1/venue/

Example Request - localhost:8080/api/v1/venue/

Example Body

{  "name": "Squash Court",  "capacity": 2,  "openingHours": "7am - 11pm",  "description": "just a place to play tennis"}

Body Parameters

nameStringName of the venue
capacityNumberCapacity of the venue
openingHoursStringOpening hours description
descriptionStringDescription of the venue


Description - Returns info of the venue being toggled

Code - 202 ACCEPTED

Example Response

{  "venue": {    "priorityEmails": [],    "visible": true,    "isChildVenue": false,    "childVenues": [],    "_id": "611233ecc773690015aa79d0",    "name": "Squash Court",    "capacity": 2,    "openingHours": "7am - 11pm",    "description": "just a place to play tennis",    "createdAt": "2021-08-10T08:08:12.826Z",    "updatedAt": "2021-08-10T08:08:12.826Z",    "__v": 0  }}

Create Subvenue#

Create a sub venue under a parent venue to split the venue into smaller venues. Every sub venue will take on the values of the parent venue unless stated otherwise


Method - POST

Route - /api/v1/venue/childVenue/:parentId

Example Request - localhost:8080/api/v1/venue/childVenue/6100d84eb4051df2f0baef1f

Example Body

{  "name": "Squash Court",  "capacity": 2,  "openingHours": "7am - 11pm",  "description": "just a place to play tennis"}

URL Parameter

parentIdObjectIdObjectId of the parent Venue

Body Parameters

nameStringName of the venue
capacityNumberCapacity of the venue
openingHoursStringOpening hours description
descriptionStringDescription of the venue


Description - Returns info of the venue being toggled

Code - 202 ACCEPTED

Example Response

{  "venue": {    "priorityEmails": [],    "visible": true,    "isChildVenue": true,    "childVenues": [],    "_id": "61123657c773690015aa79d9",    "name": "Comm Hall D",    "capacity": 1,    "openingHours": "8am-11pm",    "description": "stage part of comm hall",    "image": "/img/band-room.jpeg",    "parentVenue": "6100d84eb4051df2f0baef1f",    "createdAt": "2021-08-10T08:18:31.344Z",    "updatedAt": "2021-08-10T08:18:31.344Z",    "__v": 0  }}

Edit Venue#

Edit details of a venue. Input in the request body information you want to update. In the example below, we are editing the name of the venue


Method - PATCH

Route - /api/v1/venue/:venueId

Example Request - /api/v1/venue/61123657c773690015aa79d9

Example Body

{  "name": "Comms Hall"}

URL Parameter

venueIdObjectIdObjectId of the Venue

Body Parameters These are some parameters available

nameStringName of the venue
capacityNumberCapacity of the venue
openingHoursStringOpening hours description
descriptionStringDescription of the venue


Description - Returns info of the venue being toggled

Code - 202 ACCEPTED

Example Response

{  "venue": {    "priorityEmails": [],    "visible": true,    "isChildVenue": true,    "childVenues": [],    "_id": "61123657c773690015aa79d9",    "name": "Comm Hall D",    "capacity": 1,    "openingHours": "8am-11pm",    "description": "stage part of comm hall",    "image": "/img/band-room.jpeg",    "parentVenue": "6100d84eb4051df2f0baef1f",    "createdAt": "2021-08-10T08:18:31.344Z",    "updatedAt": "2021-08-10T08:18:31.344Z",    "__v": 0  }}