The venue booking system is split into 4 key parts:
- Venues
- Booking Requests
- Bookings
- Recurring Bookings
VenuesA venue is a location that is available for booking or reservation. There is support for sub-venues under the main venue so you are able to split your venues into smaller sections to open for booking.
Booking RequestsA booking request is a request made for booking a venue. This gives the administrator of the venue control over who the venue is allocated to.
BookingsA booking is the physical booking slot of the venue. A booking is only created when a booking request is approved.
Recurring BookingsA recurring booking is a booking that happens consistently. Currently we only support weekly recurrences.
NOTEThis system currently uses numbered time slots rather than actual time. So time slot 1 would corresponds to a certain time of day. This would help us in reducing the chances to messing with timezones. However, it makes the application highly localized to a certain region.