Booking Request
OverviewA booking request is a request made for booking a venue. This gives the administrator of the venue control over who the venue is allocated to.
Booking Requests can be made if there are no bookings in those time slots. Multiple booking requests can be made for the same time slots. It is up to the administrator to approve which booking requests they want.
Booking Request Schemakey | type | description | isUnique | defaultValue |
id | ObjectId | AlphaNumeric ID given by mongodb | false | Given |
String | Email of the booking request | false | None | |
venue | ObjectId | AlphaNumeric ID of the venue | false | None |
date | Number | Unix time stamp date that the use wants to book | false | None |
timingSlots | [Number] | Array of time slots user wants to book | false | None |
isApproved | Boolean | Request is approved if set to true | false | false |
isRejected | Boolean | Request is rejected if set to false | false | false |
bookingIds | [ObjectId] | Array of booking ids that are associated with this request if booking is approved | false | [] |
notes | String | Details about the booking the user want to let the admin know | false | None |
User API Resources#
Create Booking RequestDescription
Create a new booking request. An email will be sent to the email address provided once the booking request is recieved.
Method - POST
Route - /api/v1/bookingreq/
Example Request - localhost:8080/api/v1/bookingreq/
Example Body
{ "email": "", "venueId": "6106db0948fdff1f8d065588", "date": "20210808", "timingSlots": [1, 2], "notes": "Birthday Party SUPER SUPER DUPER FOR REAL PLS TEST"}
Body Parameters
param | type | description |
String | Email of the user | |
venueId | Number | ID of the venue |
date | String | Date in the format YYYYMMDD |
timingSlots | [Number] | Time slots user wants to book |
notes | String | Notes about the booking |
Description - Returns booking reqeustId
Code - 202 ACCEPTED
Example Response
{ "bookingRequestId": "611242378ce22500150be182"}
Get Booking Request InfoDescription
Get info about the booking request by ID
Method - GET
Route - /api/v1/bookingreq/
Example Request - /api/v1/bookingreq/?bookingRequestId=610d6f6cf210a28425b80dea
Query Parameters
param | type | description |
bookingRequestId | ObjectId | ID of the booking request |
Description - Returns details of the booking request under the bookingRequest
Code - 200 OK
Example Response
{ "bookingRequest": { "timingSlots": [1, 2], "isApproved": false, "isRejected": false, "bookingIds": [], "cca": "Block Committee E", "_id": "611242378ce22500150be182", "email": "", "venue": { "priorityEmails": [], "visible": true, "isChildVenue": true, "childVenues": [], "_id": "6106db0948fdff1f8d065588", "name": "Basketball Court A", "capacity": 2, "openingHours": "7am - 11pm", "description": "Half nearer to the tennis court", "parentVenue": "6106da7e48fdff1f8d065587", "createdAt": "2021-08-01T17:34:01.526Z", "updatedAt": "2021-08-08T15:13:39.585Z", "__v": 0 }, "date": 1628380800000, "notes": "Birthday Party SUPER SUPER DUPER FOR REAL PLS TEST", "createdAt": "2021-08-10T09:09:11.998Z", "updatedAt": "2021-08-10T09:09:11.998Z", "__v": 0 }}
Admin API Resources#
Approve Booking RequestDescription
Approve a booking request. An approved email will be sent to the client with details of the approval. An automatic rejection will be sent to all booking requests that are made for the same time slot as well.
Method - POST
Route - /api/v1/bookingreq/approve
Example Request - localhost:8080/api/v1/bookingreq/approve
Example Body
{ "bookingRequestId": "610826b9ac92f42f9e5af978"}
Body Parameters
param | type | description |
bookingRequestId | ObjectId | ID of the booking request |
Description - Returns booking reqeust Id, bookingIds assigned to the approved request and rejected bookingids on approval of that request
Code - 202 ACCEPTED
Example Response
{ "bookingRequestId": "611242378ce22500150be182", "bookingIds": ["6112448a8ce22500150be18d", "6112448a8ce22500150be18f"], "rejectedBookingRequestsIds": [ "610d815d42ce5e87a9c940a9", "610e9d04038d890015943067", "610e9d5b038d890015943080", "610e9daa6b2eb600155f6d1e", "610e9eaa6b2eb600155f6d33", "610e9ed2af50d40015d12cc3", "610ea578af50d40015d12e6a", "610ea60b02d35d00153c3f03", "610ea6ee78533500155869a9", "610ea81495c4150015ca0554", "6112410a5527080015415d61", "6112410a5527080015415d64", "611241708ce22500150be17a" ]}
Approve Booking Request IntentDescription
Get infromation about the conflicts between booking requests if you intend to approve a certain booking request
Method - GET
Route - /api/v1/bookingreq/intent
Example Request - /api/v1/bookingreq/intent?bookingRequestId=6108b789ef225d3be9e40e09
Query Parameters
param | type | description |
bookingRequestId | ObjectId | ID of the booking request |
Description - Returns details of the booking request under the bookingRequest
key and a list of conflicts under conflicts
Code - 200 OK
Example Response
{ "bookingRequest": { "id": "6112493be638900015152e32", "email": "", "date": "2021/08/08", "timingSlots": ["8am - 8.30am", "8.30am - 9am"], "notes": "Birthday Party SUPER SUPER DUPER FOR REAL PLS TEST", "venue": { "priorityEmails": [], "visible": true, "isChildVenue": true, "childVenues": [], "_id": "6106db0948fdff1f8d065588", "name": "Basketball Court A", "capacity": 2, "openingHours": "7am - 11pm", "description": "Half nearer to the tennis court", "parentVenue": "6106da7e48fdff1f8d065587", "createdAt": "2021-08-01T17:34:01.526Z", "updatedAt": "2021-08-08T15:13:39.585Z", "__v": 0 } }, "conflicts": [ { "id": "61124923e638900015152e22", "email": "", "date": "2021/08/08", "timingSlots": ["8am - 8.30am", "8.30am - 9am"], "notes": "Birthday Party SUPER SUPER DUPER FOR REAL PLS TEST", "venue": "6106db0948fdff1f8d065588", "cca": "Block Committee E" }, { "id": "61124936e638900015152e2a", "email": "", "date": "2021/08/08", "timingSlots": ["8am - 8.30am", "8.30am - 9am"], "notes": "Birthday Party SUPER SUPER DUPER FOR REAL PLS TEST", "venue": "6106db0948fdff1f8d065588" } ]}