OverviewA booking is the physical booking slot of the venue. A booking is only created when a booking request is approved.
The booking is a confirmed slot of the venue that has been taken by a certain user.
Booking Schemakey | type | description | isUnique | defaultValue |
id | ObjectId | AlphaNumeric ID given by mongodb | false | Given |
String | Email of the booking request | false | None | |
venue | ObjectId | AlphaNumeric ID of the venue | false | None |
date | Number | Unix time stamp date that the use wants to book | false | None |
timingSlot | Number | time slot user has booked | false | None |
notes | String | Details about the booking the user want to let the admin know | false | None |
User API Resources#
Get Booking of VenueDescription
Get the booked slots of the venue given a range of dates
Method - GET
Route - /api/v1/booking/get
Example Request - /api/v1/booking/get?venueId=6106db0948fdff1f8d065588&startDate=20210808&endDate=20211225
Query Parameters
param | type | description |
venueId | ObjectId | ID of the booking request |
startDate | String | Start Date of the range of search in the format YYYYMMDD |
endDate | String | End Date of the range of search in the format YYYYMMDD |
Description - Array of time slots that are booking tagged to the date
Code - 200 OK
Example Response
{ "bookings": { "20210808": [1, 2] }}
Details - The queried venue is booked on time slot 1 and 2 on 2021/08/08